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< h2 style = "color: #25252d;" > How to Bypass CGNAT - Exposing your home server to the internet with TLS/SSL pass through< / h2 >
< p > 07 October 2023 | Linux Guide, Privacy, Self-hosting< / p >
< p > You've set up a home server, and are hosting some services like Vaultwarden, or Jellyfin, or perhaps Nextcloud. But now, you want to share it...< / p >
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< h2 style = "color: #25252d;" > Remap keyboard keys using evremap< / h2 >
< p > 21 May 2023 | Linux Guide< / p >
< p > Sometimes a key on your keyboard stops working, and you may not have the time or motivation to fix it or get it fixed. Or...< / p >
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< h2 style = "color: #25252d;" > Proton VPN Linux Guide – How to install, configure, use and auto-connect?< / h2 >
< p > 19 May 2023 | Linux Guide, Privacy< / p >
< p > The official Proton VPN Linux client lacks a lot of features, like changing the connection protocol, quickly connecting to the fastest server of a specific...< / p >
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