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2021-07-01 19:12:10 +00:00
A **Latin square** of order _n_ is an _n × n_ array in which each cell contains a single symbol
from a set _S_ with _n_ elements, such that each symbol occurs exactly once in each row
and exactly once in each column.
2021-07-01 19:15:04 +00:00
2021-07-01 19:12:10 +00:00
a Latin square of order 3
A **Sudoku Latin square** is a Latin square of order 9 on the symbol set {1,..., 9} that
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is partitioned into 3 _×_ 3 squares, and each square contains all symbols.<br>
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2021-07-01 19:15:04 +00:00
This can also be represented as<br>
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2021-07-01 19:15:04 +00:00
This can be further represented as a list of variables:<br>
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2021-07-01 19:15:04 +00:00
And we represent the whole sudoku latin square as a list of lists.<br>
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So, in total, we have a list of rows.
The library clpfd or Constraint Logic Programming over Finite Domains contains a lot
of built-in predicates that are useful for solving the Sudoku puzzle easily.
**(ins)/2** states the domains of variables
in some systems: fd_domain/3, domain/
or alternatively: all_different/1, fd_all_different.
describes a list of different integers
2021-07-01 19:17:19 +00:00
_Examples_ :<br>
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Constraint Propagation:<br>
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2021-07-01 19:17:19 +00:00
2021-07-01 19:12:10 +00:00
**all_distinct/1** uses powerful methods from graph theory to prune the search space:
Using the previous example, the following graph states that X can be either 1 or 2, Y
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can be either 1 or 2 and Z can be either 1, 2 or 3.<br>
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This is a value graph for a set of constraints.
Prolog automatically reasons about this value graph to detect whether there can still
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be a solution and also to find out which assignment can not occur in a solution.<br>
![](sudoku-screenshots/g2.png) &nbsp; ![](sudoku-screenshots/g3.png)
2021-07-01 19:12:10 +00:00
:- use_module(library(clpfd)). % Including clpfd library.
% Defining a sudoku latin square:
sudoku (Rows) :-
% Rows must be a list of length 9.
length (Rows, 9),
%Each of the rows must also be a list of 9.
maplist(same_length(Rows), Rows),
% The concatenation of all elements of this list is the list Vs.
append(Rows, Vs),
Vs ins 1..9,
% We can define the all the elements of each of the rows
% must be purely distinct.
% We can do the following:
% Rows = [Rs1|_], all_distinct(Rs1),
% Rows = [_,Rs2|_], all_distinct(Rs2),
% ...
% But there is a simpler way to do this.
maplist(all_distinct, Rows),
% This states that all_distinct must hold for each of the rows.
% Doing the same with columns.
transpose(Rows, Columns),
maplist(all_distinct, Columns),
% Defining the sub-squares.
Rows = [As,Bs,Cs,Ds,Es,Fs,Gs,Hs,Is],
square(As, Bs, Cs),
square(Ds, Es, Fs),
square(Gs, Hs, Is).
square([], [], []). % This predicate uses 3 rows.
[N7,N8,N9|Ns3]) :-
square(Ns1, Ns2, Ns3).
% Defining different problems.
problem(1, [[_,_,_,_,_,4,_,_,2],
problem(2, [[_,_,9,5,_,_,_,3,7],
problem(3, [[_,5,_,1,_,_,_,_,_],
We can get the solution using the following queries:
problem(1,Rows), sudoku(Rows), maplist(portray_clause, Rows).
problem(2,Rows), sudoku(Rows), maplist(portray_clause, Rows).
problem(3,Rows), sudoku(Rows), maplist(portray_clause, Rows).
2021-07-01 19:21:22 +00:00
2021-07-01 19:12:10 +00:00
Following is the step by step method of how prolog solves the Sudoku puzzle using
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intelligent constraint propagation.<br>
![](sudoku-screenshots/01.png) &nbsp; ![](sudoku-screenshots/02.png)<br>
![](sudoku-screenshots/03.png) &nbsp; ![](sudoku-screenshots/04.png)<br>
![](sudoku-screenshots/05.png) &nbsp; ![](sudoku-screenshots/06.png)<br>
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Inconsistent values are indicated by small dots. Black dots represent “obvious”
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propagation, whereas, blue dots represent “intelligent” propagation.<br>
![](sudoku-screenshots/07.png) &nbsp; ![](sudoku-screenshots/08.png)<br>
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